BELIEF. We believe that HAPPINESS is the new success-factor building the new We.
ACTIONS. Therefore we cultivate FLOW with all our activities contributing to the new We by using agile methods establishing nu work.
RESULTS. As a result all contributors align in a common spirit of HARMONY as can be experienced with us.

From the I to the We.
In this time of change, the new We is emerging, which harbors a new, brilliant future for you.
- We have reached the end of an evolutionary phase and are heading into a future that we shape ourselves.
- Life itself is change and we have come to a point where this has just become clear to everyone.
- Looking at this clearly shows that time has come to make a choice: either let yourself be determined furthermore or decide for yourself.
- Do YOU choose to take the necessary quantum leap into the next evolutionary stage?
- That now depends on the choice each one of us makes.

So a new civilisation is just emerging by choice:
- People who are AMASING driven by a desire for excellence.
- People who are eager to connect, learn, and cultivate mutual growth.
- People who are willing to go the extra mile to make substantial contributions.
- People who are tuned for achievement. Key to them are: success, goals, results and optimism.
- People who are also tuned for order. So key to them are: rules, clarity, justice and stability.
- People who are extraordinary change-makers and visionaries, who are driven by epic ideas to impact the world.
As a result there is a massive attraction taking place in the social, morphic resonance field:
- People form mastermind groups as SUCCESS FORGES to allow the potential of each individual and everyone associated with them to thrive.
- With these success forges, people become specifically active through their calling.
- This is exactly how the success forges become the active cells of the new civilisation.
- These success forges thus shape the emerging culture of awareness, gratitude and happiness.
- By letting the AMASINGNESS OF HAPPINESS in these success forges just happen we live the new We.

We are building the new We.
With The Happiness Project, the nu-civilization is building the new We. The nu-civilization is an Austrian research association with its network of success forges. In this network you will live your calling by contributing. So the nu-civilization promotes success-oriented people building the new We.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe described the situation, when you really decided to only follow your goals, intentions and visions as follows:

“As soon as you finally commit to a task, providence moves too. All sorts of things – that would otherwise never have happened – come to happen to help you. A whole stream of events is set in motion by your decision and it provides for your own benefit numerous unforeseen coincidences, encounters and material aids, that no one could have ever dreamed of before.
Whatever you can, start it.
Boldness carries genius, power and magic.
Start now.”